I bought this candle "Buttered Popcorn" thinking it would be perfect for the weekly movie night hosted at my home. But the second I lit it, my guests started sniffing the air asking "did someone make popcorn? Who made popcorn?"
Unfortunately, I hadn't made any popcorn. My guests didn't understand why on Earth I would light a popcorn scented candle, tempt them with the smell of popped buttered kernels and then not actually have any popcorn.
A little while later, our pizza delivery guy knocked on the door and asked "did someone make popcorn? I smell popcorn."
Again I had to explain it was just a candle and there was no popcorn. I felt like a fool.
Eventually, my guests became so enraged that there wasn't popcorn they piled into the pizza guy's car and they all drove out to find popcorn.
It was past 9:00p.m. on a Friday night. Most stores were closed. For hours, my guests searched for an open store that sold popcorn. They finally settled for a bag of Smartfood from a gas station. We didn't even get to watch the movie, the entire movie night revolved around finding popcorn.
Had I known the chaos this candle would cause I would've skipped it - will definitely not be lighting it again.